The Making of Dyslexic Scrabble

JennethDesign1 Comment

For class, we had to redesign a board game. Traditionally in the class, our teacher required everyone to redesign Scrabble, though this year he allowed a variety of games we could remake. But, since I already had my mind thinking of Scrabble ideas, I chose to stick with the classic, deciding to make it into a dyslexic Scrabble board (affectionately dubbed Scrabdle).

Book Design for “Beautifully Broken”

JennethBook Covers, DesignLeave a Comment

I recently did the cover and interior design for Celeste R. Warner’s book, Beautifully Broken. It was one of those crazy hectic, last minute emergency projects, so there were several sleepless nights and plenty of euphoria afterward when it was delivered to a very happy client. This project was a ton of fun, and you can purchase Celeste’s book here for only $5.57! Here’s the cover I was able to design.