Book Design for “Efflorescence”

JennethBook Covers, Design, Layout Design1 Comment

I had the opportunity to design the cover and interiors for another professional writing student at my alma mater. Since designing your own book isn’t a requirement for this class, students often enlist the help of their art major friends. In my case, I offer to do the full cover and interiors at a discounted price for PCC students.

Cover Design for “Power Author 2”

JennethBook Covers, DesignLeave a Comment

This is my first sequel design, and I couldn’t be happier with it. Power Author 1 was my first “big break” in cover design, and since then I’ve enjoyed partnering with Ben Wolf on other books. I guess he liked the first one enough to book me for the series. *cheers*

Cover Design for “The Last Line of Their Lives”

JennethBook Covers, DesignLeave a Comment

I’m happy to reveal my newest cover design for debut author Andrew D. Doan. This was a ton of fun to put together. When Andrew told me it was about an esteemed cemetery that the wealthy people of the town were *literally* dying to claim for their final resting place, I knew I was going to have a blast. Typically cemeteries are creepy and belong in horror novels—but this one? Let’s have the tombstones made of gold!!

Life Update: Post Graduation

JennethWriting7 Comments

The last year and a half has been a constant churning of life’s ocean waves when set on a giant spin cycle. Between COVID and finishing up my master’s degree, I barely have an internal clock or a solid sense of time (as if I had one in the first place). But now things are finally getting back to normal (well, as normal as post-graduation adult life can get), and therefore it’s probably worth giving a life update.

Blood Drive Highlight Video (Pensacola Christian College)

JennethProfessional Videos, VideosLeave a Comment

While working in the video advertising department at PCC, I got a chance to create the highlight promotional video for this semester’s blood drive. This year’s would be extra tricky, since we had to be extra conscious of social distancing and other COVID mandates, and that we not show anything that would contradict the policies the college had set in place. This year I wanted to go against the norm and make the blood drive look more “fun” than “inspirational.” In the past, the blood drive videos often had slow, thoughtful music with careful camera angles. Instead, I wanted to capitalize on any happiness I could scrounge up during this depressing COVID-y year, so I picked a happy song and focused on as much smiling and joy as possible. [youtube]

Cover Design for Ben Wolf’s “Power Author”

JennethBook Covers, Design1 Comment

I designed this cover for Ben Wolf, author of Ghost Mine and the Blood Mercenaries series. This was my first time designing a nonfiction work, so my style had to adapt to accommodate for it. Instead of creating a scene or relying on a cinematic design, I wanted “writing book” to be the first message a potential buyer would get. That called for a light cover and the word “author” as big as I could get it. Ben also asked if I would include a book that had both science fiction and fantasy elements emerging from its pages. I took color inspiration from Save the Cat!, one of the most notable writing books for fiction writers on the market. It features a bold orange that goes against cliché color pallets for writing books (like red and black). Instead of orange, I picked an equally-striking yellow, which led to the play off of “power” as gears, machines, and electricity. You can purchase Power Author on Amazon.