Proposed Redesign of Indians Collegian Mascot

JennethArtwork, DesignLeave a Comment

At my college, Greek life is called a “collegian” instead of a sorority, and I joined the Indians as a freshman. Despite loving the collegian and the friends I’ve made here, I really dislike their logo. Not only did the American “Indian” look white, it was a man…for a women’s collegian. The collegian dates back to the 70s, and back then all mascots were men regardless of the type of collegian (to mimic college sports teams, supposedly) and more modern collegians have more female representation, but we don’t. So while I was league rep, I decided to propose a new logo that was more ethnically accurate and women representative. While the college has it on file somewhere, they told me that they tend to update the collegian mascots in batch because of the high cost to replace all the branding across campus. With the political controversy around valid American Indian representation, I doubt my collegian will survive a rebrand, but one can hope. I tried to keep to the same art style and colors as the original mascot, but with a younger, feminine face and a slightly darker and redder skin tone. Even if it never gets used, it was … Read More

Late New Year’s Resolutions

JennethWritingLeave a Comment

Twenty-sixteen has been a year of intense emotional turmoil, starting from even just the first week of January. Several unexpected changes in friends’ families, drama in my community, the most deaths and permanent accidents on college campus in recent history, a cruelly busy semester of my own design, the build-up to elections that left me in such a panic that I could barely keep from crying as I walked to classes because just thinking about the potential future of our country made me physically sick…. Although I’m not a superstitious person, I was really looking forward to 2017.