Cover Design for “Live the Impossible”

JennethBook Covers, Design2 Comments

I had the privilege to design the cover for Jenny Smith’s new memoir, Live the Impossible, a book about her time in a wheelchair and how it’s made her into who she is today. 

Since she’s a world traveller and mentions in the subtitle about a wheelchair taking her to places she couldn’t have imagined, I wanted to give the entire book a globe-trotter look, so I put a subtle map pattern in the background. Instead of an obvious wheelchair icon, I instead did an abstract rendering of a wheel that also looked like a burst of life and sunlight. It ended up being the perfect balance between accurately advertising and not beating the audience over the head with the subject matter.

Jenny’s book goes on sale July 11, and you can get your copy here:

Live the Impossible Spine Proof 3.3

2 Comments on “Cover Design for “Live the Impossible””

  1. Nice, Jenneth! If ever write the book I’m not planning on writing, you’ll be the first to whom I go for a design! 😀

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