Cover Design for “GRACE and Salt”

JennethBook Covers, Design3 Comments

This was a longer-term project dating back to the summer months, but the book is officially up for pre-order! I had the pleasure to design a biblical leadership book for Melissa McCormick of MX3 Business solutions.

GRACE and Salt Option 2.6 POD Spine copy

GRACE and Salt Full Mockup

I wanted a potential reader to immediately recognize it as a business nonfiction work, but I wanted to avoid the stereotypical red color, graph paper, and overused charts that many business books slap on their covers. Especially since the client visualized a lot of blue.

While “Salt” seemed to be the obvious word to make into literal salt, I wondered what the cover would look like if I did the opposite. What if “Grace” was made of salt instead? Wasn’t that the entire point of the book: that our grace needed to be seasoned with salt in order to successfully achieve biblical leadership? Besides, I didn’t want the lesser word “salt” to distract from the all-caps “GRACE” by being too different, fearing that it would compete for attention. Instead I wanted to capitalize (no pun intended) on the capital letters of “GRACE” in the title by making them the central focusing point. Salt’s bright blue letters would be more than enough to hold its own.

I also had the opportunity to do all of the interior graphics for this one, which involved over seventy pull-quotes, call-outs, activity sections, charts, illustrations, side columns, and other informational boxes.

3 Comments on “Cover Design for “GRACE and Salt””

  1. Your designs have gotten so good! I’m seriously impressed with your range! The speculative fiction books you’ve done to stuff like this. It looks really sharp!

  2. Thanks so much! That means a lot. I absolutely love doing them. I have over a dozen more in the pipeline, all in various genres and forms of completion (or waiting for the author to reveal the cover first). So keep watching!

  3. Nice work! Great ideas! I love reading your explanation of what and why…💕 Aunt Cheryl

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