Back And Open For Business


Hello, friends! It’s been a…long while. About a year ago I announced I would be switching over from a WordPress-hosted site to a brand new self-hosted site, which would allow me to use plugins, more templates and themes, and just overall have more control over the site. Web design and the messy backend of website management is a huge learning curve, despite a great class in grad school, so it’s been a long time coming as I’ve tried to work it in between a busy schedule.

But here we are, with a brand new website. If you were following my old site (, I’ve moved your subscription over to this new site ( so any communication you get from me will be from here as we get moving forward.

But bear with me, as the site is sure to still have some kinks and glitches that need smoothing out. Now, to answer a few questions you (might) have:

  • Why is your name different? Did you get married? This is a solid nope. For years I’ve been living the double life of Dyck and Leed: “Dyck” was what I used as a designer, but “Leed” was my pen name. You wouldn’t believe how many people misspell and mispronounce “Dyck.” At some point, I decided to combine my middle and last name into one that’s a little less difficult.
  • What happened to all your old posts? I moved them over! Yep, all the old posts—projects, articles, short stories, artwork, and ramblings—have been successfully moved over to the new site for you to continue to access.
  • What’s going to happen to your old site? I’m not sure yet. For now, I’m planning to lock it down and put a static page up on the home page directing any newcomers to this new site. We’ll go from there.
  • Why does your blog look ugly? The blog design is still a work in progress. The theme I’m using is crazy robust, but the blog and archive pages are a bit unique…. I’m hoping to tackle the design here by the end of the year!
  • You haven’t posted anything for a year. Did you do anything cool since then? I did! I’m hoping to back-date some really exciting projects, including some work I did for NYT bestselling author Tosca Lee. Even though my web posting has slowed way down, my client list has only gotten longer, and I’m really excited to talk about my thought process with some of their designs. In the meantime, you can actually check out my most recent projects at my brand new, beautiful portfolio!
  • I see you’ve got a better “Hire Me” page with a price sheet and everything. Can I book you for a design? Sure thing! I’m booked until September, but I would love to design a project for you. Just fill out this form or shoot me an email. I’ll get back to you by the end of this month (after returning from some traveling).
  • You’re clearly designing a lot, but what about writing? Aren’t you supposed to be an author too? I am! I’m currently shopping around a time travel dystopia novel about three teens stopping the government from controlling time travel. I’ve also had flash fiction stories published with Havok Publishing.
  • Any other life updates? Let’s see…I’m officially a five-year alumni in the fall, which is really weird. I’m still happily single and living with family. I bought my first car, wrecked my first car, and am in the process of hunting for my second car. I’ve fallen in love with Jeep culture and rubber ducks, have won a cover design award and finalized for a couple others (including the INDIE Book Awards), and I’m finally taking the next step in publishing my novel. Oh, and my noctural sleep schedule has not improved, considering I’m writing this at 3:30 AM right now. I think that about covers it?

Anyway, glad to be back with you all! Let’s keep in touch!